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The John Seymour School

for Self-Sufficiency

By William Sutherland

Why Self-Sufficiency ?


Will Sutherland has run self-sufficiency courses for more than 20 years, teaching the methods and philosophy developed by John Seymour. He worked for over 10 years with John Seymour in Ireland and, with him, created the New Complete Book of Self Sufficiency published by Dorling Kindersley. In 2010 we took our courses to the wine growing region near Bordeaux where the warm weather, swimming pool and excellent local wine made a nice change from the cooler climes of Ireland. Now we have moved back to cooler climes to take up the challenge of re-creating a classic old kitchen garden. 

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Self-Sufficiency School News

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About the John Seymour School

John Seymour came to live in Ireland in 1981 when he began work on developing his smallholding in County Wexford. A regular series of summer courses was started in 1993.     Will Sutherland joined John in running courses soon afterwards and continued to work with John until his death at the age of 90 in 2004.   Will continues to run courses and give workshops on the many and various topics covered by the Complete Book.


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